Over Christmas my family looked through some old holiday slides belonging to my great uncle. It turns our my great grandmother was a model (of sorts...)! I love seeing and hearing about people's lives particularly if they relate to mine! However, it also brought home that one day today will be an antiquated slide show.
I'm pleased that I can look back over recent years and find something significant in each one. But so often the memories created are provided by coincidence, circumstance, context. But what if this year brings no accidental occasion of note? I've already said 'I can't believe this week's gone so fast' a number of times this year and 2010 has barely begun... am I really in danger of letting this year pass me by with no ticks on my life's wish list?
If this year had a theme, I think I'd like it to be 'purposeful memory making'.
(And if you're wondering, no - I have no idea where to start... but intention is half the battle, right?)