I’m part of an alternative church in Exeter which meets throughout the week and on Friday nights we meet in the Cathedral to open it to the public, provide a safe sacred place and serve whoever comes in, from the homeless to bishops, tourists to our neighbours.
We’re trying to create something which balances building community with being outward looking; and with a team made up of people from such a broad spectrum of life I sometimes struggle to find what we all have in common!
There’s been an interesting phenomenon recently. We have a lot of drifters who come and take what we offer and drop in and out as it meets their needs or lifestyle. However, what we’re seeing of late is the complete opposite – people, of all ages, coming along often by coincidence or accident, and by the end of their first evening they’re helping us tidy up and have joined the team mailing list. I find this baffling, I thought that ‘people these days’ came along to something like church, saw if it met their needs, came for a while, got accepted by the group and eventually got asked to join a rota.
In my church what we have in common is unconditional service. And people want to be part of it. Like so many, they are looking to make a difference yet so few seem to look to the church, maybe because they see that there’s a code of conduct to be signed up to before they can start to be of any use.
I wonder if the church makes the most of advertising what it’s there for. Surely it is the perfect place for people to find something to live for, to be a journeying community of loving servants, and a channel through which we can really make a difference.