Wednesday, 22 July 2009

The Secret, part 2

So, my secret formula for attracting new and younger people into the church. The first of my three points (I grew up Baptist after all) was the challenge to be something that people want to be part of, an authentic community.

Here's number two: do something that people want to do. It may sound obvious but you'd be amazed at how many struggling groups and churches i talk to and ask them why they do the things they do, and the answer is simply - 'because we always have...'.
Don't get me wrong, if something is proving worthwhile and hitting its potential then, fantastic. But in my experience people are craving some refreshment and so there are some hard questions to be asked. For example; 'If you weren't already involved, would you go to the activities you organise?' and 'What would you look forward to?, also 'Why don't you invite your friends and neighbours along?'.

Just as an aside, if you want to involve people like me (which you may not want to of course) then do everything around food.

I wonder why more and more younger people from outside the church are getting involved with Christian Aid activities? Maybe one reason is because they can see that what we do is worthwhie, with funds and awareness raising benefitting some of the poorest communities around the world. But another reason could well be that many of our events (like our pub quizzes, Quiz Aid) use a format people are comfortable with and don't require that they'll have to go near a church building!

I may be time for us to take a hard look at what we do and challenge ourselves out of our comfort zones and into those belonging to the people outside the walls of the church.

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