Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Happy *cough* New Year *sneeze*

It was inevitable; take a few days extra leave and get the lurgy.  I've basically been in bed since Boxing Day save spluttering my way through NYE and some family lunches.  Anyone who knows me knows that January is my nemesis; a dreaded weak spot in my year where I panic about getting older and wasting my life away...  yeah I'm just a fun machine.

So to be ill during precious time off as well as the first week of the new year is horrifying.  However I've not yet plunged into despair, maybe I'm more focused on trying to breathe through my nose, but maybe I've just grown up a bit.  Watch this space...

Now to the list I made 14 weeks ago...

1. write 14 writings - 3. ahem.
2. run 100 miles total. 0. it's been cold.
3. sell 14 items on Ebay. 0. but i'm on it this week...
4. make 14 homemade presents. . 14 different items, but multiples make over 30
5. read 14 books. 6. Books are long.
6. cycle 100 miles total. 37. roads are long.
7. try 14 new recipes. 25, many doubled up as presents
8. write 14 blog posts. 10. (that's right, not all on this blog...)
9. go to the beach 14 times. 10. it's cold.
10. play the cello 14 times. 0
11. wear high heels 14 times. 8
12. read 100 pages of the Bible. 60
13. do 100 sit ups. 0
14. encourage 14 people. Not sure... probably 2 or 3 realistically?

Not my most resounding success list wise, but I'm not too bothered.  I was glad to have a prompt to take me out of the winter lethargy,  and if 'watch far too many series on Netflix' was on there I'd have nailed it.

It wouldn't be me without another list to focus on, on top of my bucket list of course.  Here's my to do list before my birthday in 6 weeks:

1. go Gluten Free for a trial month
2. cycle 50 miles
3. read 2 books
4. declutter clothes

Yes, just the four.  Realism is appropriate for the January blues.

Off to splutter my way back to health ready to take on 2016.  Fingers crossed.

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