Friday, 11 September 2009

The People I Admire

I was able to have some great conversations with students in Uganda, and they had plenty of questions for me too. Music is a huge business in Africa, with the African-American artists dominating the industry. President Obama is the other big celeb for obvious reasons, even in the most remote areas you can find Obama calendars adorning the walls! I had a good think about who I admire, whose calendar I'd want on my wall (I actually have an Exmouth Shanty Men calendar in the downstairs loo, but that's a whole different story).

Having met the Archbishop of Canterbury I have a lot of time for him (I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear that), he has an exceptionally difficult job and a lot of humility.
Oscar Romero whose quotes will most certainly be popping on here in the future was the Archbishop of San Salvador and an outspoken activist before his assassination in March 1980.
I'm a bit of a fan of Steve Chalke having been an Oasis gap year student, but I mostly admire him for shaking up the evangelical church in dramatic fashion, being a risk taker and pioneer. He is now an advisor for the UN on the issue of people trafficking.
I would love to be more like CJ of the West Wing (pictured), she's an amazing package of intelligence, strong femininity and leadership.
Nelson Mandela is a bit obvious but needs to in my list, as does Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

I have met so many incredible people in my travels, Semeda Steves - Christian Aid Staff in Delhi and Kathleen Burns - nurse in Uganda with AIM are two people whose influence will stay with me. And there are many others who have no website and some whose names I never knew who I admire and continue to inspire me.

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