Monday, 23 August 2010

Getting away with it

I know that we have probably all let our memories of this year’s World Cup go, not that everyone was even paying attention of course. I get the feeling that for a lot of us, the whole tournament will be remembered for the incredible amount of cheating and trying to get away with it that went on. This, from some of the most well paid role models in the world!
What a culture we’re nurturing! When did become so untrendy to toe the line? When did being a rebel rule breaker become cool? Why do acceptable mantras now include ‘success at all costs’ and ‘trample on anyone to get to the top’. And why are we surprised that our society’s conscience is diluted?

Christian Aid is one of the agents calling for dishonesty and underhanded tactics to be uncovered. Because while footballers who cheat get disciplined or develop a bad reputation, when multinational companies do it – people are trapped in poverty.
Poor countries have the riches to help work their own way out of poverty, including natural resources and products that we rely on, but it’s multinational companies that are reaping the rewards. A worldwide culture of financial secrecy allows tax-dodging firms to rob poor countries of more than 160billion dollars a year. Tax avoidance drains poor countries of more money every year than they receive in aid.

So I want to do myself out of a job. If developing countries were treated with the same respect we demand, they wouldn’t need aid anymore. I am talking about putting pressure on the powerful and causing a fuss and asking for a change in our consumer culture but you know what? I want to find my national pride again.

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