Fortunately a few people have helped me work out a few options to explain why I get a bit of attention here;
1) Latino men are vocal with most young women, particularly if they're walking alone, it's just them.
2) I look oh so European, glasses and super short hair mean I stand out. This is interesting to folk, and so they look. Disengage British protocol.
3) There's a chance that because I have short hair and am dressed down they're checking to see if I'm a girl or not. Yeah, loving that one.
4) I don't look like a typical tourist and I'm generally by myself so this is interesting, because of my look some folk might assume I'm an actress or model from Europe... ha! I'll take that.
Today beat the whole list. I was happily sitting eating my churros in hot chocolate sauce when a young man in his twenties I guess, took a photo of me on his phone from a distance. I was so stunned and obviously showed it, that before I could check behind me to see what he was more likely taking a photo of, he was on his way over to me.
'Discúlpeme, ¿Estás Anne Hathaway? Me encantan tus películas...'
Let me repeat that in case you missed it. 'Excuse me. Are you ANNE HATHAWAY!? I love your films...'
Some chocolate sauce chose that moment to drip down my chin.
'Um no, lo siento....pero gracias' ('Um no... sorry... but thank you.')
'Podría yo les digo a mis amigos que son? Te pareces a ella, muy bonita.' (Could I tell my friends that you are? You look like her, very beautiful.')
'Um... ok...'
Sorry Anne.
I told you!! You totally do...
ReplyDeleteI have been reading other parts of your blog, not just the bit relating to popular culture. I just chose to reply to this as it proves me right! Nice to see what you've been up to, great photos (as always) and some very wise-sounding words... Look forward to catching up soon.
Helen xx